Module Fifteen – Growing Great Ambassadors and an Attitude of Gratitude
Wow. This is our penultimate session.
I can’t think of better way to transition towards our May retreat and June presentations than reflect on gratitude.
We’re going to try a new format for April 19th meeting (3-5 p.m.)…
We will start our meeting in small groups in downtown coffee shops. You will be paired with a community leader, a double macchiato and these questions:
- Share a story about someone you have met who is a GREAT AMBASSADOR for his/her cause. What characteristics of that person make them a great ambassador?
- What makes organizations (or people) good at expressing gratitude?
- Describe an act of gratitude you’ve experienced (as a giver of gratitude or a recipient of gratitude).
I’ll send you your coffeehouse location 48 hours before our meeting. The cohort will reassemble at 4:30 p.m. at Armada for a closing circle and toast to gratitude at 5 p.m.
THANK YOU for being a part of this journey… savor every sip of it!
Jim and Carrie
Susan Jackson
Susan Jackson Joins Westmont Foundation Board of Directors
Palmer Jackson
Palmer Jackson Jr. to Chair Granada Theatre Board
Joanne Rapp
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara Names Co-Chairs of 50th Anniversary Celebration
Brian Rapp
READ: “How Gratitude Can Transform Your Workplace”
- What story can you tell about how you’ve experienced gratitude in your workplace?
- Can you think of some specific ways you could show gratitude in your work? In your volunteer life?
READ: “How to Transform Customers into Brand Ambassadors”
- How does this article about employees and brand ambassadors “fit” when we are talking about the social sector?
- What’s the “brand promise” of a non-profit you support or one that you’ve studied in your project work? In your opinion, how does the nonprofit deliver on that brand promise?
- How do you connect your volunteer life and your “day job”? Is your personal brand more “personal versus corporate” or “personal plus corporate?
Upcoming Events & Key Dates
April 19, 3:00-5:00PM | Gratitude and Building Great Ambassadors
Location: Impact Hub (2), French Press, Peet’s Coffee
May 15, 12:00-5:00PM | Retreat – Bringing it All Together
Location: TBD
June 12, 2:00-5:00PM | Final Presentations to Community
Location : Santa Barbara Foundation
June 12, 5:30-8:00 | Launch Celebration
Location: Foundation House (300 East Islay)