177 nonprofit executive leaders have completed our year-long program to date, and the great majority of them continue to engage actively as part of the growing Courage to Lead alumni community.
Our alumni to date include:
Santa Barbara County
Ada Conner (14-15)
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
Ali Cortes (18-19)
A Different Point of View
Angela Hacker (13-14)
Prosper Sustainably
Annmarie Cameron (11-12)
Mental Wellness Center
Barbara Andersen (10-11)
Barbara Finch (14-15)
Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services
Beth Pitton-August (10-11)
UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
Bonnie Campbell (10-11)
Brian McWilliams (13-14)
Santa Barbara Middle School
Carl Palmer (14-15)
LegacyWorks Group
Carolyn Brown (11-12)
Carrie Kappel (18-19)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Carrie Wanek (13-14)
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
Cecilia Rodriguez (08-09)
Chris Tucker (16-17)
HACSB/Parsons Group
Christy Stillwell (18-19)
What is LOVE
Chuck Flacks (16-17)
People Assisting the Homeless (PATH)
Connie Alexander (18-19)
Gateway Educational Services
Craig Olson (17-18)
Hillside House
Cynder Sinclair (13-14)
Nonprofit Kinect
Dan Fontaine (16-17)
Wilderness Youth Project
David Selberg (16-17)
Hospice of Santa Barbara
Dawn O’Bar (16-17)
Deborah Holmes (10-11)
Donna Fisher (16-17)
Storyteller Children’s Center
Doug Flaker (17-18)
Health Center Partners of Southern California
Ed France (13-14)
Leading From Within
Elaine Mah Best (18-19)
Santa Barbara Zoo
Eileen Monahan (16-17)
Eileen Monahan Consulting
Elizabeth Gaynes (16-17)
Congregation Bnai Brith
Ellen Goodstein (13-14)
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
Eloisa Chavez (17-18)
SEE International
Eric Cardenas (17-18)
Erik Talkin (10-11)
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
Erika Lindemann (17-18)
Wilderness Youth Project
Ernesto Paredes (08-09)
Easy Lift Transportation
Eryn Shugart (16-17)
Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
Florence Bednersh (18-19)
Children & Family Resource Services
Frederick Janka (16-17)
Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation
Gabriela Dodson (18-19)
Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County
Ginny Kuhn (17-18)
Prison Yoga Santa Barbara
Gracie Huerta (14-15)
UCSB Housing & Dining
Greg Gorga (11-12)
Santa Barbara Maritime Museum
Gwen Stauffer (10-11)
Hannah Rubalcava (11-12)
Santa Barbara County Arts Commission
Jamie Nichols (14-15)
Jane Lindsey (11-12)
Santa Barbara Maritime Museum
Jarrod Schwartz (08-09)
Just Communities
Jason Dominguez (14-15)
Santa Barbara City Council
Jenn Paul (14-15)
New Beginnings Counseling Center
John “Abe” Powell (18-19)
Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade
Josefa Rios (16-17)
SBC Promotores Network
Josh Simmons (11-12)
Prosper Sustainably
Joyce Stone (14-15)
Judy Hawkins (08-09)
Ruby Road Leadership
Julie Lopp (08-09)
JT Turner (14-15)
Kate Carter (10-11)
Ken Ralph (18-19)
Showers of Blessings
Kim Davis (16-17)
CASA of Santa Barbara County
Kira Redmond (13-14)
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
Laura Camp (14-15)
Montecito Water District
Laurel Phillips (10-11)
Santa Barbara Birth Center
Linda Cole (10-11)
African Women Rising
Lisa Bass (18-19)
Lisa Bass, Evaluation and Planning for Social Impact
Lori Goodman (13-14)
Isla Vista Youth Projects
Lorraine Neenan (16-17)
Community Action Commission
LuAnn Miller (13-14)
Margie Yahyavi (11-12)
Santa Barbara Education Foundation
Maria Long (08-09)
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Mark Tollefson (11-12)
Mary Sheridan (14-15)
Matthew Huff (17-18)
Cottage Health
Mattie Gadsby (14-15)
Community Action Commission
Melinda Staveley (08-09)
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Michael Andrews (18-19)
Boxtales Theatre Company
Michelle Graham (10-11)
Children’s Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County
Michelle Robertson (17-18)
Santa Barbara Unified School District
Miki Garcia (10-11)
Arizona State University Art Museum
Nancy Edmundson (08-09)
Courage & Renewal Facilitator
Nancy Tillie (16-17)
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Nancy Ranck (17-18)
Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County
Nancy Shobe (11-12)
The Spirited Filly
Nicolasa (Niki) Sandoval (08-09)
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Owen Bailey (14-15)
Environmental Defense Center
Patricia Madrigal (17-18)
Santa Barbara Unified School District
Paul Wilkins (18-19)
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
Raissa Smorol (16-17)
Foundation for Santa Barbara City College
Raquel Lopez (14-15)
Rick Boller (18-19)
Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation
Roger Durling (16-17)
Santa Barbara International Film Festival
Rosalina Macisco (13-14)
Santa Barbara Dance Institute (SBDI)
Sandra Copley (11-12)
Santa Barbara Public Health Dept.
Sara Spataro (10-11)
Sarah Rubin (17-18)
Santa Barbara County Office of Arts & Culture
Sigrid Wright (08-09)
Community Environmental Council
Stephanie Glatt (10-11)
La Casa de Maria
Tamara Skov (10-11)
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
Terri Allison (14-15)
Moonlit Consulting
Tim Schwartz (10-11)
UCSB – Cottage Translational Medicine Research Lab
Timothy Bigelow (17-18)
Pacific Pride
Victoria Juarez (13-14)
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
William Peters (14-15)
Shared Crossing Research Initiative
Ventura County
Ana Becerra (16-17)
National Equity Project
Alice Villarreal Redit (18-19)
Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara
Cindy Polhemus (08-09)
Dena Jenson (17-18)
California Lutheran University – Center for Nonprofit Leadership
Jerry Beckerman (13-14)
Segue Career Mentors
Jill Sarick Santos (18-19)
The MERITO Foundation/RHEA Consulting
Kate English (17-18)
One Step A La Vez
Kathy Wertheim (13-14)
Norbert Tan (14-15)
S.B. Lemons & Company
Vicki Murphy (11-12)
Los Angeles County
Aziza Hasan (17-18)
NewGround: A Muslim Jewish Partnership For Change
Amy Eriksen (17-18)
Angels Gate Cultural Center
Alex Dorsey (11-12)
Urban Collaboratives
Anita Landecker (16-17)
Andrea Hodos (18-19)
NewGround: A Muslim Jewish Partnership For Change
Anita Zamora (18-19)
Venice Family Clinic
Asuka Hisa (16-17)
Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Ben Schirmer (16-17)
Guide Dogs of the Desert
Cathy Friedman (14-15)
Channa Grace (11-12)
Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge & Services (WORKS)
Christina Miller (13-14)
Mental Health America of Los Angeles
Cindy Chyr (17-18)
American Film Institute
Clare Fox (18-19)
Claire Knowlton (13-14)
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Colette Hadley (08-09)
National College Access Network
Cynthia Campoy Brophy (17-18)
Cynthia Sanchez (18-19)
Proyecto Pastoral
Debbie Ching (11-12)
Nonprofit Consulting Group
Debra Hammond (14-15)
University Student Union, CSUN
Debra Suh (16-17)
Center for the Pacific Asian Family
Dennis Keeley (13-14)
Art Center College of Design
Donald Strauss (17-18)
Antioch University Los Angeles
Dove Pressnall (13-14)
Survivor’s Truth
Eli Kaufman (17-18)
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
Elisa Callow (11-12)
Nonprofit Consultant
Esther Feldman (08-09)
Community Conservancy Solutions
Gretchen Brickson (10-11)
Corporation for Supportive Housing, Los Angeles Program
Helen Leung (18-19)
Hellen Hong (13-14)
State Bar of California, Office of Access and Inclusion
Helmi Hisserich (17-18)
Los Angeles Research Library
Hilda Maldonado (17-18)
Isabelle Lutterodt (13-14)
City of Los Angeles, Art Center
Jan Williamson (14-15)
18th Street Arts Center
Janis Spire (13-14)
JMS Consulting
Jeff Schaffer (18-19)
JMC Philanthropic Advisors
Jonathan Zeichner (08-09)
A Place Called Home
Kaile Shilling (17-18)
Arts for Incarcerated Youth Network
Kazue Shibata (14-15)
Asian Pacific Health Care Venture
Kristen Pichler (17-18)
University Student Union at California State University, Northridge
Kristin Runnels (18-19)
Kristin Runnels | Grant Consulting
Leigh Curran (08-09)
Lisa Watson (16-17)
Watson Consulting Group
Luther Richert (14-15)
The People Concern
Manjusha Kulkarni (14-15)
Maritza de Artan (14-15)
Mark Wilson (18-19)
Coalition for Responsible Community Development
Mary Beth Trautwein (13-14)
Melinda Cordero-Barzaga (17-18)
Vision y Compromiso
Nancy Ibrahim (13-14)
Esperanza Community Housing Corporation
Omar Brownson (16-17)
Oscar De La O (13-14)
Bienestar Human Services
Raul Estrada (18-19)
El Centro de Ayuda
Ruth Slaughter (11-12)
Nonprofit Consultant
Sally Fairman (10-11)
National Foster Youth Institute
Scott Ward (14-15)
Shelby Williams-Gonzales (16-17)
Tammy Membreno (18-19)
Barrio Action Youth & Family Center
Tim Carpenter (17-18)
Varina Bleil (10-11)
United Friends of the Children
Vera deVera (13-14)
Weingart Foundation
Yvette Chappell-Ingram (16-17)
African American Board Leadership Institute
San Francisco Bay Area
Armando Nieto (14-15)
Community Food and Justice Coalition
Grainger Marburg (10-11)
Well Being Trust
Julia Wilson (11-12)
One Justice and LAAC
Kim Irish (16-17)
One Justice
Lyra Ghose (10-11)
Stanford University
Monica Spear (08-09)
Orange County
Je’Net Kreitner (16-17)
Grandma’s House of Hope
Vivian Clecak (14-15)
Palm Springs Area
Daniela Ryan (13-14)
Dezart Performs
Karen Lin (14-15)
Green Room Theatre Company
Beverly Engel (08-09)
Janet Stanley (08-09)
Larry Elsner (10-11)
Mary Golden (10-11)
A Right Place For Seniors
Mary Morton (11-12)
Michael Morton (11-12)
Shelley Noble-Letort (10-11)
Nordic Integrative Medicine