Building Your Self-Care Toolbox
ZoomJoin us on Tuesday, November 10 @ 3:30-5:00 on Zoom! Joanna Hill, Health Educator & Internship Advisor at UCSB Health & Wellness, will be facilitating a virtual workshop for our Leading…
Join us on Tuesday, November 10 @ 3:30-5:00 on Zoom! Joanna Hill, Health Educator & Internship Advisor at UCSB Health & Wellness, will be facilitating a virtual workshop for our Leading…
Near the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, First5 Santa Barbara County and VIVA Social Impact Partners commissioned a series of interviews with families and representatives from community-based organizations, school districts…
KATHERINE HARVEY FELLOW ALUMNI, VIRTUAL GATHERING Thursday, October 1, 12pm-1pm Join us for a Zoom panel featuring several of our Katherine Harvey Fellows alumni. Zoom link: Learn how local…