As with all worthwhile endeavors, your Leading for Community Impact participant will get out of the program what they put into it. Participants are expected to attend all sessions and complete all assigned work.
Please complete the form below by March 6, 2024. There are other excellent applicants who have been waitlisted; another candidate would be pleased to take this spot should you or your participant feel they cannot make the commitment at this time. Please let Leading From Within know ASAP if you cannot commit to prioritizing your participant’s Leading for Community Impact involvement over other work obligations that may arise.
In terms of the commitment expected of you and your Leading for Community Impact participant:
- Please review the program dates below and make sure you are available. If there is a conflict, please let us know ASAP.
- There will be approximately three hours of coursework between monthly sessions, which might include meetings with people inside or outside your organization, reading articles, or exploring your organization in greater depth within the context of the program. Participants are expected to come to class fully prepared.
- By paying for a majority of the cost of the program, generous donors are making a significant investment in our leaders. In addition, your organization is responsible for a payment based on organizational budget:
- Program Fee is $1,750 for Organizations with budgets under $500,000
- Program Fee is $2,250 for Organizations with budgets between $500,000 – $1 million
- Program Fee is $2,750 for Organizations with budgets over $1 million
- Limited scholarships are available to participants where cost would be a barrier. Please reach out to Ed France with any questions or concerns regarding program fees and scholarships.
- The participant will be contacted regarding payment for the program once their commitment form is submitted.
Program Dates – The Leading for Community Impact program will run March through December 2024. It will start with a program orientation on March 22, 1:00-5:00 pm (includes optional lunch at noon; details will follow). Currently, all other sessions are planned to run on Fridays from 9AM-5PM and will be held in-person in Santa Maria at Allan Hancock College.
Session Dates:
Orientation (1:00 – 5:00 pm)
Date: Friday, March 22
Location: St. Mark’s In-the-Valley, Los Olivos
Full Day Sessions | Sessions will be held at Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm on the following Fridays:
- Session 1: April 19
Session 2: May 3
Session 3: June 7
Session 4: June 28
Session 5: July 19
Session 6: August 23
Session 7: September 20
Session 8: October 11
Session 9: November 8
Session 10: December 6
Culmination Event (evening celebration at the finish of the program)
Date/Time: Wednesday, December 11 at 5:30-7 pm tentative
Location: The Guadalupe Social Club