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“An investment in education pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

Why establish a GEL scholarship?

We ask so much of our critical nonprofit and community leaders.  Give them the resources they need to strengthen and sustain their leadership so they can lift up our communities through their important work!

Create a scholarship in a manner that fits your philanthropic goals by donating an annual GEL scholarship.  Support organizations by giving their leaders access to the powerful collection of resources that GEL offers.  GEL membership includes the following monthly features, and more:

  • Peer Advisory Forums – candid and supportive input from their peers on their major challenges and opportunities
  • Executive Coaching – helps them take their leadership to the next level, with their own coach and 360-degree feedback
  • Expert Workshops – outstanding presenters help them take the best insights and translate them into new approaches

GEL membership is a resource-rich offering, and it costs $800 per month to participate in GEL membership.  In the private sector and in larger community organizations, leadership development and peer groups are seen as a high-leverage investment in advancing the organization’s mission.  However, for many smaller organizations, such critical investments can feel out of reach.  LFW is raising GEL scholarships to assure access for high-impact leaders across a broad range of diversity, sector and budget size.

Options for your Scholarship

You can allow LFW to allocate your scholarship/s to GEL applicants, making it available to diverse and smaller organization leaders who are hungry for all that Growing Edge Leaders offers, but who can’t participate in the high-value program without a significant scholarship.


You can work with Leading From Within to establish preferred criteria for the type of organization (e.g., sector, demographics served) you’d like to see the leader you support come from.  This way, you can advance the specific causes you most care about.

Donors have the option to establish one or more named scholarship – at $5,000 – 7,500 each – and the donor retains the flexibility to offer this scholarship for one year or to renew it each year.  To agree to donate one or more annual GEL scholarships for the 2024-25 program year, please reach out directly to Ken Saxon at by the end of August 2024.

In addition to named scholarships, LFW also welcomes scholarship donations of any size.

Donate tax-deductibly and with confidence, knowing that Leading From Within has more than 15 years’ experience investing deeply in community and nonprofit leaders and growing their impact.


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