We are committed to helping senior nonprofit and other social sector leaders attend our Courage to Lead retreat series that runs from October 2019 – November 2020. We will do whatever we can to make the program financially accessible for you: set up payment plans for you and/or your employer, help you apply for outside funding, and provide assistance from our scholarship fund. Generous donors have contributed to our scholarship fund so that our programs are financially accessible to dedicated leaders regardless of budget size.
The cost of the full year-long retreat series is $5,750. To apply for financial support from our scholarship fund, please fill out the form below and indicate what your organization can pay and/or what you can contribute personally, and indicate your resulting scholarship need. Submit this form along with your registration by our application deadline of August 9, 2019. In a situation where we are unable to offer enough financial assistance to allow for your participation, we will refund your deposit.