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Nadra Ehrman: Where You At?

Noozhawk November 2015  Yes, you read the headline correctly. By speaking this way, others may view me as uneducated or unintelligent. Although, I can speak this way with my friends without a second thought, I understand that in a professional…

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Leading From Within Announces New ‘Leaders Fund’ 

SOURCE: JULIE SORENSON FOR LEADING FROM WITHIN Leading From Within provides high-quality leadership development and powerful networking opportunities to Santa Barbara County's nonprofit leaders. To date, over 200 local social sector leaders have been a part of Leading From Within’s programs. Foundation grants…

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Developing Nonprofit Leaders

Noozhawk September 2013 Recently, I had the honor of interviewing Mr. Ken Saxon. Saxon is co-founder of Leading From Within and Courage to Lead. He believes strongly in the importance of developing nonprofit leaders, including future leaders of nonprofits who now serve in…

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