COVID-19 RESOURCES 805 INSPIRES Please enjoy these 15-minute family friendly videos from museums and cultural…

Carpinteria’s Children’s Project
Connecting Carpinterians to Economic Support
CCP staff are meeting virtually with individuals and verifying applications from Carpinterians seeking economic support from the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County and the 805undocuFund. As always, we will continue to help any individual or family register for food stamps, unemployment, utility subsidies and more, and we will take advantage of the flexibility given to register families by phone. Apply for help››
Compassion Calls: Reaching Out to Vulnerable Carpinterians
Just because we can’t welcome you into our Family Resource Center doesn’t mean we can’t support you! Family Liaisons and teachers are reaching out via Zoom video conferencing and by phone to support and coach parents we work with and all Carpinterians who contact us. We can connect people to economic and mental health supports, and we can be a listening ear that helps reduce loneliness or the frustration that can lead to domestic violence and child abuse. We also connect individuals to Hospice for additional support in times of grief. If you or someone you care about needs to talk, please call (805)203-6648 or email ››
Educate & Entertain Effort
CCP is working with nonprofit, government, and business partners to coordinate virtual activities for Carpinterians of all ages. We’ll be hosting an events calendar that you can filter by activity and intended age group to allow you to find ways to stay active- mentally, physically, and socially. Additionally, our teachers will be hosting daily sessions for preschoolers and their caregivers to stay connected. We also hope to provide children with the learning and art supplies they need to complete CUSD schoolwork and the enrichment activities on the events calendar. We’ll send the link out soon!
Weekly Food Distributions
Food distributions are now every Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30pm at Carpinteria High School to accommodate the dramatic increase in families seeking help and to allow for safe social distancing in preparation and distribution of the food. Our partners include the Foodbank, Boys & Girls Club, City of Carpinteria, and you! (Photos courtesy KEYT.)
Successful children. Healthy families. Strong community.
Social distancing with our bodies doesn’t mean social distancing with our hearts. At this critical time, we appreciate your commitment to providing relief in ways that make our community stronger.