Immediately after each Leader Circle meeting, the facilitator of the meeting should thoughtfully fill out this online form. The information will go to the Alumni Community Coordinator and LFW Program & Network Manager. Thank you! Name* Email* Date of Meeting:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Alumni Program* Courage to Lead Emerging Leaders Katherine Harvey Fellows Leading for Community Impact Alumni Collaborative for Northern Santa Barbara County Check all that apply (i.e. if you are an ELP/KHF/LCI alum and located in north county SB).Location of Meeting* Who participated in your LEADER CIRCLE meeting/call? Who could not?For what kinds of issues/questions did participants use their time? (Do not share specific content. Just give general categories of questions and issues, such as management, relationships, transition, etc.)What worked well in your session?What did not work well in your session?If you had it to do over again, how might you have facilitated this Circle differently?Who is the facilitator for the next Leader Circle meeting? What is your Circle’s next meeting date?Anything else you want to share with your Alumni Community Coordinator and LFW about your Leader Circle and this particular session? Δ