GEL Facilitator's Forum Debrief Form Date of GEL Forum* MM slash DD slash YYYY GEL Faciliator Name:*GEL Faciliator Email Address:*AM Workshop topic and presenter*For the key forum components, how well did each go:Format/Order of the Day1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicablePacing/time for activities1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicableAM Workshop and presenter1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicableMembers organizational presentations1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicablePeer Advisory Issue Processing1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicablePractice introduction1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicableOverall Member engagement1 - Not Well2 - OK3 - Well4 - Extremely well5 - Not ApplicableComments: If there is any specific detail you want to provide about any of your ratings above, please do so here.What went particularly well in this GEL Forum day?Is there anything you recommend we might rethink or discontinue? If so, please note that here.What needs or interests did you notice among your GEL members that might inform future GEL content or workshops?What questions or curiosities are you holding after this GEL Forum day?Highlight: Is there a moment that stands out of a member stretching in their leadership, taking risks in the service of their growth or their impact? If so, share briefly here. (You can count on details shared here to be kept confidential, and that if Leading From Within (LFW) wanted to tell a story with specifics and attribution, it would request permission.)Please note here, if relevant, any members who seem to be struggling, disengaged, dominating or are otherwise concerning to you or to the group dynamic.Is there any support or clarifications you’d like to request from GEL leadership / LFW?We welcome anything else you want to share with LFW about GEL at this time - in general as well as regarding this particular Forum day. Δ PLEASE NOTE: In addition to an email copy sent to you, this form will be shared via email with GEL Program Manager, Judy Hawkins.